Thursday, October 8, 2009

Week 7ish!

Well, Monday I went out in the morning and made it 23 of the 25 minutes. I got super tired and sore, all of a sudden, so I decided to take it sown to a brisk walk. Then, not 2 minutes later, I hear, "You only have 5 minutes left!" I knew I could do it. I ran the rest. I'm pretty proud of myself for that one! I'm getting there!

I'm not so much sticking to the schedule now, since I know I'm supposed to run 25 minutes. When I can do that, I'll go to the next week. No matter how many days it takes me!

Today, I woke up to a decent rain and about 40 degrees! I got the kids ready for school/daycare and my husband headed off with them so I could go for my run before my Dr. appt. I thought it looked pretty nasty out, so thought maybe I'd skip the run for today. Then, I checked my email and had a message from my buddy, Lisa. She asked about my progress and encouraged me. I shut off the computer and found my running shoes!

I headed out into the rain. I decided to do my route backwards. Not running backwards, just the reverse order! Anyway, I only made it about 7 or 8 minutes before I needed to stop. The rain actually felt good. I was really anxious and nervous about my minor medical procedure happening later in the morning. I just wasn't focused and couldn't talk myself into it. I did power walk the rest. I felt good to get moving, but know with my 5K this weekend, I should have done more.

I am thinking I may try a shorter run on Saturday, just to see how things feel and get moving. I don't want to be too tired for the run on Sunday. We'll just have to see how I feel. If it's anything like right now, I'll be lucky to make it off the couch. They promised me I should be back to full form by Saturday though. I hope so. I've been working too hard to not be able to do my best! I'm going to be really disappointed if I'm not up to par.

I do realize that this was something I had to have done, and there will be other 5ks, I just feel like I've been working so hard and putting maybe too much pressure on myself to complete this 5k. I need to be able to let it go. It's just after everything I've been through, and everyone saying that I may think I'm better, but I haven't dealt with everything, and eventually it will catch up with me, I wanted to be able to show them, in a concrete way, that I am better. They don't seem to listen when I talk, so maybe my actions will show them. If they see me run across the finish line, they'll know. I also want to prove to myself that I can do it. I have never, ever run before in my life. I am so proud of myself for doing this and working hard and ticking with it. Not being able to complete this 5k because of this procedure won't diminish any of that, but it's just not what I pictured. I saw myself completing this program, being able to run the entire 5k and crossing that finish line with a huge smile on my face.

I WILL complete the 5k on Sunday. I WILL have a smile on my face. I WILL be (and am, now) proud of myself for all the hard work. I WILL.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Week 6

Sorry! I know this is overdue, but it's been a rough week! So, Monday I went out and did w6d2. I was able to complete it all and even made it just barely under 3 miles!! It was a beautiful overcast day and actually had to run with a stocking hat on!!! I was a little sore when I got home, as the route was fairly hilly, but I was really proud of myself.

Yesterday, I tried my hand at the treadmill. First time ever. Nearly killed myself. Twice!! There is a reason roads don't move. I'll just stick to the roads or the track. I didn't do very well. Couldn't even complete w6d2 again. I was aiming for w6d3, but there was no way! My issue is that I don't run straight. Turns out that is a problem when on a treadmill! I ran off the side twice. Not entirely off, but enough that I had to skip a step or 2, then slow it down, get my footing, and restart. Needless to say, it did not go well!

I'll get back out on the road tomorrow, regardless of the weather. Another go at w6d3 will be good!

FYI - I looked at my training schedule that I had mapped out from w1d1 and Oct. 1 should have been w9d3! :( Oh well, I knew going in that I was not going to whiz right through every week. I am proud of how far I've come and that I am sticking with it!