Wednesday, August 26, 2009


On Monday, I did w3d1. I thought it would be hard, but every time I got tired, thinking I couldn't run anymore, I just picked a spot a little ways up and said to myself, If I can just make it to that mailbox (street, scary dog, old man on a HoverRound, old scary dog peeing on the mailbox from his HoverRound, etc.), then I'll stop running. But, before I arrived at said object, I heard my favorite sound... time for your walk!!! There was only one time when I got to the landmark before it was time to walk, and that time, I just picked one a little further out. It worked great. I just thought to myself, I made it to this place, I bet I can get to that one!

I did have a few issues though. I cut the back of my heel pretty good Sunday night while helping my mom out with some stuff. It happens to be right where my sock and shoe hit. So, it doesn't feel too good when walking or running. Plus, stupid me, I didn't think to cover it up, so now it's infected. Needless to say, it is covered up now and starting to feel better. Hopefully, next time I'm scheduled to run, I can!

The other issue is that I mapped out a great route the other night. I was thinking that if I were to get hurt, kidnapped, die, my husband would have no idea where to look for me. So, I came up with a route that is just shy of 3 miles and told him the route, so we'd all feel better! I knew I wasn't up to doing the entire route in my 30 min yet, but there are several cross-streets on which I could cut across to shave some distance off.

I left the house and got into running on this brilliant route, and before I realized it, I was at the furthest point away from my house on the route. I'd forgotten to cut across on one of the other streets! Oops! So, I finished on the route we'd established and when my time was up, I was still a decent ways from home! I ended up walking about 15 extra minutes! That's not bad, but this particular route is kind of hilly and with it being my first day on week 3, I was ready to be done after my 30 minutes!

Oh well, I guess I survived!! I'm scheduled for w3d2 today, but it's been storming all day. We'll see what this afternoon brings, I may have to wait until tomorrow. That might not be a bad thing anyway, then I can let my heel heal for another day.

Well, Happy Trails! Talk to you soon...

1 comment:

  1. Hope your heel feels better! Sometimes it's good to pick a routine path, so you have a visual of how far you've run.... I do that all time, "if I can just make it to that stop sign!" Congrats on your success so far!
