Thursday, September 10, 2009

It didn't go as well as I'd hoped. Here's the thing. New shoes - awesome, no knee pain. Taking off too much time - not awesome, soo out of breath to finish the 5min. intervals. Well, I guess I'll just get back into doing it every other day again, and keep with week 4 until I can do it. Hopefully it won't take too long!

I took my dog with this time and that probably didn't help! She's not great on a leash because she's used to running free when we go to the farm, or in our back yard. We had a WONDERFUL off-leash dog park here until the flood last year wiped it out. They're apparently making a new one that should be open next year. The old one was 14 acres and had walking trails throughout. That would have been a great place for us both to run! She always loved it there, but I was much lazier then, and just walked! Now I'm hoping the new one is as nice as the old one so I can take advantage of the trails and she can run free with me! When we were at the farm last time, she followed right along with me, stopping only when the horse-drawn wagons passed! It was pretty neat!

Anyway, I think I'm on the right track again and will stick to it! My 5k is only 4weeks away!! OH NO!! Well, I'll just do it however I can. If I need to walk some, I will. But I'm hoping that the excitement and the adrenaline and all the thousands of people will help push me that little extra bit! I guess we'll find out in a few weeks!


  1. I'm proud of you for getting back after it and sticking with it. Your determination is inspiring, keep on truckin'!

  2. Boy, when you don't use it, you lose it quick! I'm stuggling, my 5K is Oct 10th! Yikes.
