Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Well, today didn't go so well. Like I said last time, my knees were hurting pretty badly, so I took an extra day of rest. I went to our local running store, and met Nate, who was super nice. While waiting forhim to finish up a phone call, I wandered aimlessly, since I'd never even stepped foot inside a runnig store before, and read everything I could find. I read one sign that said something like If you're planning on having us analyze your feet, then buying your shoes elsewhere, don't bother. It makes us feel used. Since, as I mentioned last time, I'm short on money, this was my exact plan! Well, after sitting down with Nate and chatting and finding the right shoes for me, I still couldn't buy them yet, I had to chat with the hubby first! Normally I don't consult on purchases under $100, but we're really trying to save for a new house, so I thought I'd probably better! I had decided, however, not to buy them online!

The style he recommended for my is the Nike Air Pegasus+26. He actually brought out 3 pairs, but these were the best. They felt really good. I'm excited to go back on Monday and get them. My husband agreed that new shoes would probably help with the pain, but I have to wait until Monday, after we pay a few things off, to make sure we have the extra in our budget.

So, this morning, out of sheer curiosity, I checked eBay. I know, I shouldn't have! But, I did. And they weren't available. Anywhere else I checked online was the same price, so I gave up and felt satisfied that I was going to buy them from the store with the helpful staff and buying locally is always nice. But I do like a good deal!

Anyway, I will try to get through the rest of this week with my old shoes. I am thinking I will not be able to do week 4 though, I may just have to repeat week 3. Then do 4 next week. I'll let you know tomorrow what I decided to do!

And, if you're looking for good shoes in Iowa, make sure to visit Nate at Running Wild in Cedar Rapids!

1 comment:

  1. I just found the link to your blog on the C25K Facebook page. Good stuff. I think I might have to try a podcast - I do love me some Britney on my runs! :) I also am blogging my C25K progress, Keep it up!
