Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Well, I got my new shoes and am venturing out again today. We'll see how it goes. I ran on Sunday morning, at the farm, and my knees didn't hurt too bad, but the gravel may have helped out with that. I know it is slightly more forgiving than concrete! I was wearing my old shoes, but was able to get through it. Now the problem is too much rest = not being able to finish the 5 min. run because I was out of breath! I'll get there.

On a side note, my mp3 player that went crazy?? It's better now. I didn't do anything different, it just started working again! Who knows!!! I was able to download Carli's next few podcasts though! YEAH!!!

Anyway, I'll try to be better about updates and posting. It is just so easy to do when you're doing well and want to tell the world. It's becomes much harder when you come to a bump in the road. You don't really feel like telling everyone that you had a setback! But, that is what this is for, chronicling the good, the bad, and the ugly that comes along on this journey with me! So, here it is. The is the bad I guess. Not ugly, and I'm hoping I don't run into ugly, but if I do, I promise I'll tell you all about it!!

Thanks for all the support and comments, everyone, they're much appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yeah, I forgot... Then new shoes are black and gold. Go Hawkeyes!!!
